Monday, May 9, 2011

Upgrading your Beverage Package

One of the decisions that you will make when looking at a venue is the type of beverage or alcohol package for your events(s). If your budget allows, we definitely recommend upgrading to an ultra premium package with alcohols such as Johnny Walker Blue, Kettle One, and Dom Perignon. This will not only cater to your guests’ tastes for these finer brands but will also add a touch of sophistication to your event.

You should discuss with your venue what their policy is regarding upgrading to a higher package and find out what options are available. If you choose not to upgrade your entire bar, you may be able to upgrade only certain aspects that you know your guests will appreciate. If your guests are mostly scotch drinkers, for example, you may consider upgrading to Johnny Walker Blue. We have found that many venues will also let you bring in bottles of your own alcohol and simply charge a corkage fee (generally about $50 per bottle).

So ask yourself, when was the last time you went to a wedding and were served Dom Perignon champagne? I think most of us would be very impressed.

Here are some options when it comes to upgrading your beverage package.
Premium alcohol options:
- Jack Daniels Bourbon
- Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey
- Bacardi Silver and Captain Morgan Rum
- Dewars White Label Scotch
- Absolute Vodka
- Absolute Citron
- Di Saronno Amaretto

Top Shelf or Ultra-Premium alcohol options:
- Glenlivit Scotch Whiskey
- Johnny Walker Blue Whiskey (normally not on a bar but you can ask)
- Johnny Walker Black Whiskey
- Grey Goose Vodka
- Grey Goose Citron
- Maker's Mark Bourbon
- Kettle One Vodka

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