Tuesday, May 17, 2011

PowerCamp for our Brides

This week, I met with Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, Sanchali Roy located in New York City, to talk about the amazing packages she offers brides looking to get into shape for their wedding day. Her main focus is to help her clients lose weight, become more toned, increase strength, and improve their overall health. Sanchali emphasizes nutrition along with exercise because both are key elements to living a more healthy life.

For our brides, Sanchali offers a PowerCamp Package using high-intensity interval training for two or three 35-minute express workouts per week. The workouts target stubborn fat in your abs, hips, thighs, and lower back and eliminates them from your body. For more information, please visit her website at http://www.sanchalifitness.com/index.html.

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