Tuesday, November 8, 2011

To Be Wed App

Planning a wedding can be a lot of work, so why not simplify the process? With the help of Sonal J. Shah’snew app you can do just that! Sonal has teamed up with Apple to create To Be Wed, whichis a helpful guide to planning your special day!

On sale now for $0.99 for a limited time only, the Feature List includes:

1. Set Wedding date to automatically generate due dates for tasks.

2. Live Countdown to your big day.

3. Home screen quick view menu for access to To-do’s, Sonal’s social media links, and more.

4. Fully customizable To-do list.

5. Automatically created Schedule To-do list.

6. Share tasks with friends and family by email fromthe app.

7. Set alarms to remind you of task due dates.

8. Mark a task completed in the list itself.

9. Set priority levels for each task.

10. Expert advice/information available from Sonal for crucial tasks.

Whether you want a little help with where to start, are having trouble deciding on specifics that suit you best, or are simply stumped on how to finalize everything, To Be Wed is here to guide you!

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